3 Ways to Give
Tithes and offerings
There are three ways to submit your regular tithes and offerings, or simply make a love offering donation to All Saints Church:
Submit via Zelle. Use allsaintschurchcl@gmail.com
Submit via PayPal. Use allsaintschurchhuntley@gmail.com and send through the ‘friends and family’ option.
Submit via check. Checks should be made payable to All Saints Church and mailed to:
All Saints Church, c/o Kim Kozak 670 Butterfield Dr., Algonquin, IL 60102
Noisy Offering
Unique to All Saints Church, our Junior Saints collect spare change from the congregation that goes toward our benevolent fund. 100% of this fund benefits the local food pantry, and others in need. You can collect your spare change for the benevolent fund, or submit it through Zelle or PayPal clearly marked “Noisy Offering.”
Collecting the “Noisy Offering” during the Sunday Service